According to the research of Lord Demanitus, the cosmic event that created the Sundrop also created a single drop of moonlight, which took the form of an opal. Like the flower before them, these rocks have magical properties, as demonstrated when Rapunzel touches one of them and resulted in her previously long, magical golden locks to regrow, and in this case inheriting the rocks' indestructibility. In the years after the flower was picked, the spot where the flower grows became a sacred and forbidden site, with a small pedestal in its place and large, indestructible thorn-like rocks surrounding it. The golden flower has been considered to be the most powerful object in 'the Seven Kingdoms' according to Corona's history. Even though Mother Gothel had hidden the flower, other people knew of its existence, suggesting that this flower was not the first of its kind. It appears that when the song is sung, the flower releases pollen which is breathed in. She used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years, and all she had to do was sing a special song. One day, Mother Gothel discovered the flower, and chose to hoard its healing power for herself.
It had the ability to heal any sickness or injuries, even mortal wounds, as demonstrated by Rapunzel, delay aging, as demonstrated by Gothel, though that ability requires constant use of the power. A long time ago, a cosmic event created a single drop of sunlight, which fell 'from the heavens' and grew the golden flower.